New! Lucky Owl Brewery Logo Design — JOE BARSIN: Creative Professional
Branding, Digital Illustration & Instruction


Branding, Identity, Graphic Design and Illustration stories and information by Joe Barsin, Brand Consultant, JEB Design, Inc.

New! Lucky Owl Brewery Logo Design

In light of the American Craft Beer Week celebrations in Maryland, we thought it appropriate to show you the new logo and identity JEB Design has been working on for Lucky Owl Brewery of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Jeff Bradbury, a master craft brewer, has been home brewing beers for many years, honing his craft and winning many awards. He recently formed a team of investors to launch the Lucky Owl Brewery and will produce a line of beers. The creative process for the branding has been tons of fun. Shown here are a few initial sketches and final logo which features the hop cone as the main body of the owl. Drink Wisely!